Project acronym and title | Project timeframe | Research area / Team | ISES contact | Short description |
K-VRF 1 | 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2025 |
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- Contract research: Analytical and experimental investigation of vanadium redox flow batteries. Investigations into electrode geometry and electrode materials, as well as preliminary investigations into diagnostics and operational management (Part 2)
- Project partner: Kermi
ML4RE | 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 |
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- Contract research: Machine learning applications in requirements engineering
MO-Energieversorgung | 01.07.2024 - 31.03.2025 |
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- Contract research: Object-oriented (Modelica/TransiEnt) based digital twin of the energy supply system
parallelSiC-Mosfet | 10.06.2024 - 09.06.2026 |
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- Contract Research: Parallelization of SiC MOSFETs in Power Modules: Study to identify the key parameters that most affect the performance of parallel SiC MOSFETs and develop a framework that can be used in the product development process to optimize the design and performance of wide bandgap parallelized semiconductor devices.
SubBlitz | 01.06.2024 - 31.03.2025 |
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- Contract research: Pulse charging investigation: Investigation into the influence of pulse charging on the aging behavior of lithium-ion batteries
- Project partner: Furtwangen University
ANC-Vorstudie | 01.02.2024 - 31.03.2024
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- Contract research: ANC preliminary study on optimal machine control and identification
UnterMEXT | 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026 |
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- Control of the High Power Prototype I & design and development of the High Power Prototype II for modular advanced transcranial magnetic stimulation.
- Evaluation of the new stimulator with regard to its improved performance profiles by developing neurophysiological, neuromotor and psychological tests/measurement stations
- Planning of a clinical study on therapeutic efficacy
- Project partner: University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
NBWR | 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024 |
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- Contract research: Grid-forming battery inverter in stand-alone operation
K-VRF 1 | 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2024 |
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- Contract research: Analytical and experimental investigation of vanadium redox flow batteries. Studies on electrode geometry and electrode materials, as well as preliminary studies on diagnostics and operational management (Part 1)
- Project partner: Kermi
SpeedBoat | 01.02.2023 - 31.01.2024 |
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- Contract research: transferring the findings from the ongoing Flair2 project: field test to the hardware specifications.
Pulsmuster | 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 |
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- Contract research: Evaluation and development of offline optimized pulse patterns for a permanently excited synchronous machine
Wechs-Luft | 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025 |
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- Contract research: Development of a new type of fault-tolerant inverter for use in aviation
SiC Stromrichter | 06.05.2022 - 31.12.2024 |
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- Contract research: Development of an experimental SiC power converter with six phases for motor applications
BMW-IM | 01.05.2022 - 31.11.2022 |
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- Contract research: Impedance monitoring
- Project partner: BMW AG
SubNautilus | 01.10.2021 - 30.11.2022 |
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- Contract research: Characterization and model-based analysis of storage systems for marine applications
- Project partner: MAN Energy Solutions
BMW-VIM | 01.05.2021 - 31.12.2021 |
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- Contract research: Distributed impedance monitoring
- Project partner: BMW AG
Pionier 3 | 15.01.2021 - 15.03.2021 |
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- Testing and optimizing the energy sharing solution from Pionierkraft, Part 3 , “Exist” group
BMW HVS 2 | 14.09.2020 - 15.11.2020 |
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- Contract research: HV storage systems: Single-Cell BMS
- Project partner: BMW AG
Sonomotors ViPV | 01.06.2020 - 31.11.2020 |
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- Reliability tests of Vehicle Integrated PV
- Project partner: Sonomotors
A-FSM | 16.03.2020 - 15.03.2023 |
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- Contract research: Increasing the efficiency of electric drives in electric cars
Pionier 2 | 10.03.2020 - 15.01.2021 |
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- Testing and optimizing Pionierkraft's energy sharing solution, part 1, “Exist” group
BMW HVS 1 | 15.09.2019 - 15.05.2020 |
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- Contract research: HV storage systems: Passive impedance investigations
- Project partner: BMW AG
Flair 1 | 01.10.2018 - 31.04.2019 |
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- Contract research: Intelligent control of flexible systems